Friday, August 17, 2007

The Snake, The Cross, The Crown

Ok. Let's give this a go.

It's becoming more and more difficult to put a lot of new music into any sort of genre and with modern titles such as 'post punk' 'anti-folk' are for me lazy and often don't ring true when you eventually hear any bands put under such titles. Call me old fashioned but I like to keep it's simple, “Country”, “Indie”, and “Punk” will all do for me.

Having said that bands such as 'The National' 'Interpol' are difficult to put under any sort of real bracket. Same goes for 'The snake,the crown,the cross' although most will put under the bracket of 'indie/folk/americana' which ever you wish to choose their album 'Cotton Teeth' is an outstanding album. This is the song named 'cotton teeth' which probably is a true reflection to what the rest of the album sounds like however there are some slower country laced crackers on there too.

Enjoy and remember if you like it then buy the album here

The snake,the cross,the crown - Cotton Teeth

1 comment:

olly said...

'Mander Sails' previous album was a really good one for a start and Cotton Teeth is almost a 'Graal' in this indie folk americana bracket... 'Behold the river' is a pure jewel !!! Thanks Geordie !